The government of Uganda under the national adversary service (NAADs) has given Namisindwa district 70,000 seedlings of Apple to boost household income, authorities said Wednesday, May 10.
A total of 615 farmers have been selected from different sub-counties to receive the seedlings.
David Mityelo the acting district production officer said the apple seedlings have been delivered at the respective sub county headquarters for easier access by the beneficiaries.
At the sub county, he said, extension workers shall in liaison with local authorities distribute the seedlings starting this Thursday, May 11th.

Interviewed for this report, Luke Wakora the assistant agriculture officer of Bukokho Sub county told us this evening that apple is the most profitable crop which farmers must embrace.
He urged farmers to seek knowledge about how to plant the crop from extension workers.
While launching the distribution, the Deputy RDC, Julie Namara warned beneficiaries against misappropriating the seedlings.