Soroti City residents are in panic following an increase in food prices.
Currently a kilogram of Posho costs between Ushs 2700 to 2800/= which the locals say is high. Laast week a kilo of maize flour was at 2,200 in Soroti.
The increasing posho prices in the eastern City have been linked to scarcity of Rice in and around Teso sub region.
Traders attribute the rise in prices to inadequate supply of maize in the area and there is fear the situation might escalate when the second term starts.
Joyce Alenyo, a maize dealer says the price might go up due to delayed season.
“The season has been long and Maize has not yet hit the market hence the situation might escalate when learners go back to school,” Alenyo noted.
Like Posho, rice prices have also shot up with a kilogram selling between Ushs4000 to 5200/= depending on the quality.
This year the country has been experiencing inflation especially affecting food prices, which has had a big toll on the standard of living.