Road users and the business community in Soroti City have decried the poor state of Aliabu road.
Aliabu road is a vital street for many communities in Soroti city and Teso sub region at large.
The road does not only connect to East Kyoga Regional Police Headquarters but also the pass way to the food hub.
It is also the gateway to soroti industrial centre where majority milling machines are situated and the link to city abattoir.
The road users say the worsening state of this road has affected their businesses.
The large potholes coupled with a poor drainage system, have turned this street into a death trap considering the rate of accidents daily
Julius Etome boda boda rider told this website on Wednesday that the road users see at least four accidents every week.
He says the accidents occur as every road user struggles to navigate and pass in a fair part.
Julius Okello is another boda boda rider who appeals to the city authority to ensure that the road is worked on.

With Soroti now elevated to the city status, he said a road like Aliabu should not be existing in the city central business areas.
“We struggle here with tracks that bring maize or cassava to the milling machines on this narrow and corrugated road. Soroti City Council should save us here,” he noted.
Beatrice Ajiko is a worker at Asumani Milling Machine said the poor state of the road has left them counting losses as boda boda riders get in accidents and end up with burst sacks of maize they send them to transport to the machine.
“Boda boda riders even fear to use this side yet it’s a very important road. Big shots in this town share with us this road but they also just watch,” she noted.
However, Isaac Asaku the secretary works at Soroti City Council speaks hope to the road users.
He told The Eye Media reporter in Soroti that the design has already been taken and only waiting for resources under USMID for the road to be worked on.
“Last week we received engineers from USMID and that road is top on our priority list. For now I can only say we are waiting for the money, possibly this financial year,” he said.