For the second time in seven days, Presidency Minister, Hon Milly Babirye Babalanda has instructed the Resident District/City Commissioners and the Deputies to arrest and prosecute public officers decampaigning the Parish Development Model (PDM).
In a circular issued evening of Monday June 19, 2023, the Minister said was in receipt of intelligence that some public officers were spreading counterproductive messages against PDM.
She said the latest report implicates some public officials working in Teso subregion.
“I am in receipt of complaints from leaders of Teso Sub-region to the point that some district officials are treading false information aimed at delaying the implementation of the PDM program.
They do this by scaring the recipients of PDM money that their possessions including land, will be confiscated upon failure to repay the funds,” reads the circular in parts.
“In light of this highly counter-productive message, I am directing you to pick interest in the matter and arrest and prosecute those public officers once identified. Please update the PDM Secretariat on your actions,” she adds.
During a recent retreat of RDCs/RCCs, the Deputies and DISOs working in Busoga, the minister instructed the commissioners not to let anyone sabotage PDM and Emyooga in their districts of jurisdiction.
Quoting Article 203 of the 1995 Constitution, Babalanda said it was within the mandate of ghe Commissioners to follow up all coins sent to their districts.