A man identified as Asuman Aziwa, on June 14, 2023, plotted a scheme to make off with a smartphone from the Kitgum Chief Magistrate’s chambers.
Aziwa allgedly presented himself as a litigant at the chief Magistrate’s court before snatching the Kitgum Chief Magistrate, Robert Ekirita’s Tecno phone.
But Aziwa’s deal didn’t last long, he was later in the day tracked and arrested with the phone in his pocket.
Subsequently, he was on Wednesday prosecuted and rmanded by Kitgum Grade One Magistrate’s Court on charges of theft.
Aziwa pleaded guilty before court declined his bail application and remanded him to Kitgum Central Government Prison until July 25, 2023 when he will be returned to court for sentencing.
The 40-year-old Aziwa is a resident of Central Cell in Kitgum Municipality.