Three Rakai district officials are in police custody following their Monday July 24, 2023 arrest by officials from the Inspectorate of Government (IG).
It is alleged that the trio diverted furniture meant for a Universal Primary Education (UPE) school in the district.
The three who are detained at Rakai Central Police Station are Ismael Bwanima, the district LCV vice chairperson, Stephen Ssemutono, the District Education Officer and Edward Kamya, the Acting Deputy Chief Administrative Officer.
The arrest was effected at the climax of a meeting between IG officials and the district team where the latter tried to explain themselves about the incident.
Ms. Ali Munira, the IG spokesperson confirmed the arrest and said the trio will soon be arraigned in court to answer the charges.
Munira says the trio diverted furniture of one of tge primary schools and it ended up to a private secondary school in the same area.
Preliminary findings indicate that Bwanika was delegated by the LCV chairperson, Samuel Ssekamwa to deliver 13 desks to Kiganda Primary School but instead diverted some to Kiganda Secondary School, a sister school which almost shares the compound with the primary schoool.