Police in Mityana have registered a case of suspected poisoning at Golden Learning Centre Nursery and Primary School on September 27, 2023, around 1630 hours.
According to Wamala region police spokesperson, Racheal Kawala happened on Wednesday at Namungo Central Village, Namungo Parish, Namungo Sub-county, Mityana District when pupils started complaining of stomachache, headache, and vomiting immediately after being served posho and beans for lunch.
Kawala further added that over 100 affected pupils were taken to various health facilities, including Namungo Health Center III and MUKJ Medical Clinic.
The scene of crime has been visited by our detectives and documented, with statements recorded from victims.
Two suspects, identified as Kule Alfred and Mumbere Edger, both school cooks have been arrested to aid with the ongoing investigations and are currently detained at Mityana CPS.
Further more food samples from the school have been collected for forensic analysis.
The school has been sealed off pending further guidance. Preliminary findings indicate a total enrollment of 350 pupils, with most students discharged by evening, leaving about 50 under medical monitoring but in stable conditions. No fatalities have been reported at this time.
The suspicion is that the victims may have consumed contaminated food, and investigations are ongoing.