Police in the eastern district of Kamuli has launched a hunt for six people believed to have been behind the illegal power connection in Itukulu village, Nawanyago sub-county.
This comes after death by electrocution of a 34-year-old mother of four.
Michael Kasadha, the Busoga North Regional Police Spokesperson had identified the deceased as Elizabeth Naigaga.
“Preliminary findings indicate that on Wednesday October 25, 2023 at around 7:30am at Itukulu Busabo, one of the residents and relative to the deceased identified as Nabirye Joyce was in the garden when she got in contact with a live illegally connected power line. Upon calling for help Naigaga responded and in the process of rescuing Nabirye, she was electrocuted to death,” said Kasadha.
A team of detectives and UMEME staff visited the scene and disconnected the illegally connected power.
The team also took the body to the mortuary for postmortem, pending further inquiries.
“Buy we have got information concern some 6 people who have been carrying out illegal connection in this area. They are on the run as we talk,” said Kasadha who preferred not to name the suspects for avoidance of jeopardy.
Kasadha cautioned members of the public against illegal electricity connections as they pose danger to public safety.