Early today pupils across the country commenced their Primary leaving Examination.
But in Tororo District, among these candidates is the LCIII chairperson of Akadot sub-county, Mr. Oguti Paddy aged 49.
Mr. Oguti says he last attended class in 1985 in P.6 at Atiri primary school.
The chairperson is writing his Primary Leaving Examinations at Aturukuku Primary school.
Tororo Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Albert Amula has applauded Mr. Oguti for taking the bold step of going back for further studies.

Mr. Oguti told Mr. Amula that his intention was to improve on his relation and level of service delivery in the subcounty.
“Generally PLE in the district has been successful on day one despite the challenges of mix up in examination papers and the rains which led to delay in commencing of exams,” Mr. Amula told the Eye Media Uganda News.
Tororo district registered 8535 candidates for Primary leaving Examinations compared to 10,139 pupils registered last year.
The low turn-up for PLE registered candidates for this year compared to last year has been attributed to post-COVID effects since we had spent some years without pupils sitting for PLE so the turn-up last year was high, another problem is teenage pregnancies and negligence by parents to send children to school.