In a disturbing turn of events, Police in Kanungu district are holding a 33-year-old man on allegations of murdering his 17-year-old daughter in a fight that left his wife nursing wounds.
The furious man was identifie as Gideon Muganirwe while the wife was known as Faustina Katuhebwa and Precious Kyosimire, the deceased who were all residents of Kempazi village in Kikongi parish Bwambara sub county Rukungiri district.
It is said that the fate unfolded on Tuesday at about 02:00hrs, at Kahama village Nyakashure parish Nyamirama Sub County when the suspect while at their charcoal burning place started demanding for some money from his wife who was asleep which led to a misunderstanding.
Police say that in the due course of quarreling, he picked a panga, cutting both the biological daughter and his wife who sustained serious injuries.
ASP Elly Maate, the Kigezi region police spokesperson confirmed the apprehension of Muganirwe, noting that victims were rushed to Kihihi health centre for treatment, where the young girl was referred to Nyakibale hospital in Rukungiri district and she was pronounced dead.
“Police was informed by Joshua Arinaitwe, a businessman in the area, and took action of responding to the matter,” said Maaaate before informing that the scene was visited and documented while postmortem was successfully done at Nyakibale hospital in Rukungiri district.
He said the suspect was detained at Kihihi Central police station and he will be taken to court to answer charges of murder.