In a heartwarming turn of events, a young girl from Luwero who was kidnapped and later recovered in a swamp in Kayunga district has been successfully reunited with her parents.
The authorities, led by Kayunga Deputy RDC Trevor Solomon Baleke, worked tirelessly to ensure the girl was safely returned to her family.
The 15-year-old girl, identified as Sumaya Namutebi, was reportedly abducted from her home in Wakatayi village, Zirobwe Subcounty, Luwero District, before being abandoned by unknown assailants in the Bweramondo Nakaseeta Swamp in Kitimbwa Subcounty, Kayunga.
She managed to make her way to local authorities in Kitimbwa, led by the area District Female Councilor, Fatuma Namukose where she informed them of her ordeal and revealed her parents’ identities: her mother, Zaina Wakooli, and her father, Abubaker Kifampa.
With the girl’s safety now a priority, the Deputy RDC, Trevor Baleke together with local leaders swiftly coordinated with their contacts in Luwero, locating the concerned parents, who had been desperately searching for their daughter.
“Upon being informed of her recovery, the parents, accompanied by other relatives, made their way to Kayunga to reunite with Sumaya and we have handed the girl over to them after proper identification,” Baleke told this New Agency Sunday December 22, 2024 afternoon.
“I am grateful to Councilor Namusoke for being a very responsible leader and mother. We have managed to end the distressing ordeal that had kept the family in agony,” he added.
“It’s a reminder that we must all stay vigilant and protect our children, especially during the festive season. Parents must be extra careful and avoid sending their children to trading centers at night,” Baleke advised.
The family expressed immense gratitude to the authorities in Kayunga for their dedication and swift action in bringing their daughter home safely.
“We thank everyone who played a part in this successful recovery,” said the father.
As authorities continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the girl’s abduction, they are relieved to have been able to reunite her with her family, bringing an end to what had been a traumatic experience for all involved.