Budaka Deputy District Resident District Commissioner (Deputy RDC), Hajjat Nusula Nabukalu, tragically lost her life in a fatal road accident on the Jinja-Iganga highway on Sunday evening.
The accident occurred at around 5 p.m. near Kakira, when her white Toyota Double Cabin (UG 4803C), which was traveling towards Jinja, collided head-on with a trailer (KDH 025V).
Commonly known as “Bwera,” Hajjat Nabukalu had just attended an official event at Bulamagi in Iganga District before the unfortunate crash.
Eyewitnesses report that the collision left her vehicle badly damaged, and despite efforts to save her, she succumbed to her injuries just moments after the accident.
At the time of reporting, the body of the RDC remained at the scene of the crash, awaiting the arrival of police and other relevant authorities to investigate the cause of the incident.
The tragic loss of Hajjat Nusula Nabukalu, who was known for her dedicated service to the Budaka community, has sent shockwaves through the region. More details surrounding the incident will be released as investigations continue.