In a poignant turn of events, the late Budaka Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Hajjat Nusura Nabukalu, had submitted her final report to the presidency just two days before her tragic death in a similar accident. On December 27, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., Nabukalu provided a detailed update on the situation in Budaka District during the Christmas season, highlighting an unfortunate accident that claimed the lives of three individuals.
According to the report, Budaka District had remained largely calm throughout the festive season, with the exception of a fatal accident that occurred in Kakoli Trading Centre. The accident involved a Toyota Harrier, which struck and killed three people who were riding on a bodaboda (motorcycle taxi). The victims were traveling from Mbale to Iganga when the bodaboda reportedly crossed into the path of the vehicle, causing the fatal collision.
The incident took place on December 26, 2024, at around 5:00 p.m. Nabukalu’s report noted that the bodies of the victims were taken to the Budaka Health Centre mortuary for further management.
This tragic accident, which Nabukalu reported just days before her own death, serves as a haunting reminder of the dangers on Uganda’s roads. On Sunday, December 29, 2024, the Deputy RDC herself lost her life in a similar crash on the Jinja-Iganga Highway. She was traveling in her official vehicle when it collided with a trailer, resulting in her untimely death.
Nabukalu’s dedication to her duties and her unwavering commitment to public service were evident in her last communication. The tragic irony of her own fate, following her report on the fatal accident in Kakoli, has deeply saddened the nation.