President Yoweri Museveni has mourned the late Hajjat Nabukalu Nusura, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Budaka District, describing her as a loyal cadre and dependable mobilizer.
The President’s condolence message was delivered by the Minister for the Presidency, Hon. Milly Babirye Babalanda, during a gathering of mourners at Bugembe Blue Primary School playground in Jinja City.
President Museveni, in his heartfelt message, expressed deep sorrow over Hajjat Nusura’s untimely passing, noting that her death was a significant loss not only to her family and colleagues but to the entire nation.
He praised her dedication to serving Uganda and advancing the core principles of the National Resistance Movement (NRM).
“Hajjat Nabukalu Nusura was a loyal cadre who upheld the NRM’s ideology of championing the legitimate interests of the people,” the President said in his message.
He emphasized that the late Hajjat was committed to addressing societal challenges such as insecurity, poverty, and disease, which he described as the hallmark of true leadership.
Minister Babalanda, while delivering the message to a large crowd of mourners, also handed over a cash contribution of UGX 20 million from the President to the bereaved family as a gesture of solidarity during this trying time. Additionally, the Minister delivered UGX 5 million from her office to further assist the family.
The mourners, who had gathered to pay their final respects, praised Hajjat Nusura’s selfless dedication to her work and community.
Her body was later laid to rest at the Jinja City Muslim Cemetery, where prayers and eulogies highlighted her humility, hard work, and passion for improving the lives of others.
Minister Babalanda echoed the President’s sentiments, urging leaders to emulate Hajjat Nusura’s commitment and integrity.
“She was not only a dedicated public servant but also a unifying figure in her community,” she said.
As Uganda bids farewell to Hajjat Nabukalu Nusura, the President’s message serves as a reminder of the values she embodied and the legacy she leaves behind—a legacy of service, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the people she served.