Kamuli police are investigating the death of an unidentified woman found at Savannah Guest House, located in Gabula-Kitimbo zone, Kasoigo Ward, Northern Division, Kamuli Municipality.
The guest house manager has been arrested to assist with inquiries.
According to Michael Kasadha, the Busoga North Region Police Spokesperson, the incident was reported to the police on the morning of January 11, 2025, around 8:00 am.
Preliminary findings reveal that Savannah Guest House had been operating for only a week and failed to maintain the required client registration records. The circumstances surrounding the woman’s death remain unclear.
The body has been transported to Kamuli General Hospital mortuary for a postmortem examination as investigations continue to uncover the cause of death and other relevant details.
Authorities are urging anyone with information about the deceased or the incident to come forward.